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By Sanjay Ram

What is mental health ?

Mental health is one of the topic’s which is considered to be a taboo to talk in an Indian household. Just like our body has  muscles and bones (physical health) which requires rest, same goes to our nerves in our brain(mental health) which plays  an important function even for a simple task. Our Brain has trillions of neurons which are active even when we are asleep, at the time our body, which includes muscles and bones , has been relaxed or refreshed . The activities which we do, not only affects our body to get tired, it has it’s effects on our brain too.

Why Mental Health is Important ?

We are living in an era of evolution where it’s common to hear the quote “Life is a Race”, Thanks to the growth of technology which made it possible to increase the stress and pain unknowingly, Technology has been a factor by which  people have become impatient, anxious, It has led people even to be Depressed . Mental Health is important because it has replaced the physical health to today’s mental health as now what we require to do is fulfilled by our brain, physically we only need our hands to do the job.

Why Mental Health Is A Taboo?

Whenever people address their pain or tell how they spent their day they talk about their physical health which they  think what the work was about, but we are living in 2020, everything is mostly done by technology which played a significant role in enhancing our capabilities. No one wants to address their emotions even to their loved ones due to the stigma or fear on how the other will take it. By talking about their emotions the other’s might think he has gone ‘mental’ or a ‘psychopath ’ which, by the way, are the most extreme cases , It happens due to the way it has been shown in movies, news channels or by social media, and mostly due to whatsapp forwards! From this pandemic and due to recent events which made headlines, people have understood how important mental health is.

Mental illness and Social Media

No scientific study has been done specifically on mental health and social media, But social media can be a factor of  increasing or even creating mental health related issues like stress, anxiety and in severe cases, depression. Anxiety created by social media could be due to the fact that people can’t be like who they admire, or celebrities which they follow. Most people in social media do show off but they don’t lead that exciting life. People do get influenced by celebs or influencer's daily activities which creates fascination or people tend to live in a dreamland but when they realize the reality they get disappointed ,in most of the cases it could get sorted out but the impact which happened with them can’t be measured, unlike a bone fracture it can’t be fixed. In severe cases it leads to depression.

How can we cure Mental Health ?

First step of treatment in mental health would be: By giving importance as equal to physical health. Some people might claim that by doing yoga, meditation, listening to music, sleeping for more time will help, But honestly there is no medicine to cure it .Doctor’s prescribe some of the medicine for depression but there is no scientific study which can prove it can cure your problems. It depends on person to person how they take care of themselves, basically it’s their will power to overcome and  to get back on their feet !


Mental health must be taken seriously we might even see more cases of people suffering from it, If a person is not feeling well, please don’t make jokes on them just by hearing their problems might even be more than enough to make them feel good. Please don’t use complex words like depression to explain your feelings, don’t use these words for a daily chit chat, being sad is totally different from suffering mental illness.  Mental  illness cannot spread from person to person so don’t hesitate to help others. Consequences and sufferings might be painful but we have only one life, live it to the fullest !





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