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Black Tuesday

 by Sanjay Ram


Racism was a topic that was in the news headlines due to a disturbing event. The concept of racism began in European countries during the age of imperialism and growth of capitalism, Europeans felt themselves superiors when they were in African countries due to their skin tone and forced the dark-colored people to serve them and made them slaves. Since then, black colored people are stereotyped that they are lower class people and tend to commit crimes. South Africa was the worst affected country during the time of Apartheid.


The major push on segregation of people happened in the United States of America during the late 19th in the early 20th century. This led to many genocides such as the Holocaust, The American genocide, and genocide of Serbs. Racism in the USA can be seen openly as the term “Blacks” was given to them, salaries given to them was less. They couldn't get higher posts. They are always made fun in entertainment shows and movies. At a scene of the crime, always the black people are suspected as criminals.



George Floyd  was an African American who was killed by a White officer Derek Chauvin during an arrest after allegedly using a 20 dollar fake note in a supermarket. Floyd was a resident in Minneapolis Minnesota, where this disturbing incident happened, Some people shouted at the police officer to leave Floyd but the officer kept his knee at Floyd’s neck. For a mere 20 dollars (1400 Rs)  costed the life of George Floyd. Many people uploaded videos of this incident in social media which went viral and people started a moment called ‘Black Lives Matter’.

Black lives matter not only created awareness on Racism in the USA but it became a worldwide movement, protest were not only held in the USA but in many European countries which is ironical!


Racism in India might not be a major problem compared to European countries and the USA but still, it exists! Though most Indians are brown in color but still tease people on black skin tone. Fairness creams and cosmetics are sold in millions of rupees because people want to become White-colored! Advertisements have contributed immensely as they sell their products by telling Beauty means success. Movies and Entertainment shows have comedy scenes that are very much racist.


Beauty doesn’t lie in us it lies in the eyes who see us,

Racism is a  very sensitive topic. People are born with different skin colors. Even if you are joking, the other person might get hurt, he might think it as a barrier which will haunt him for the rest of his life. Using the N-word doesn’t make you cool, it only displays the values or thinking you possess. These incidents shouldn’t take place in the future. Raising your voice against oppression is the actual act of bravery. Don't be silent, speak up.  All lives matter should be our motto not only humans but all the living creatures matter !


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