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by Sanjay Ram

About :

A learning system where teaching takes place at the home itself with the help of technology is known as E-learning. Earlier, When E-learning became a subject of the topic with the invention of the computer’s playing a vital role it was not accepted wholeheartedly as it was assumed that the involvement or the bond required in learning between teacher and the student was absent. The shift took place when Laptops, tablets replaced books and notebooks with people finding it was better to use technology because you can repeat the classes, clarify doubts, get more knowledge on the topic, Students who can access the Internet, research more on what they like, it shaped many people’s life as through the web people got the idea of their profession. Credit goes to Internet! 

E-learning became a topic of discussion after work from home due to Lockdown. As it was safe for people to learn from their home as life has to continue even with the consequences which are suffered in the given condition. Many institutions preferred to change their curriculum to online, Teachers were given the training to teach online.


Comfortable: Online classes are comfortable as students can learn from their home, there is no need for them to wake up early and can study from the bed itself!

Time-saving: As students just have to turn on their device they get connected to their class, lots of time is saved as going to and fro to their institution is saved. This time can be used for productive work.

Energy: The energy of students is conserved as going to and fro to their institution is saved, which saves two forms of energy one of the body and the mode of transport.

Interest: Students can learn more things online and can research more on what they like, their interest in learning will increase.

Connectivity: With proper devices such as a laptop and good internet connectivity, people can access knowledge 24/7.

Multi-tasking: Many tasks can be done in a single time, students can implement what they are thought at the same time of teaching.


1: Accessibility: The majority of the people don’t have a proper internet connection or don’t have any device to even attend the classes.

2. Method of teaching: Quality of Education is compromised as teacher’s find it hard to teach the way -the conventional way which they practised for ages.

3.Interaction: The interaction needed for learning between student and the teacher is not the same as attending in a classroom, it becomes difficult for slow learner’s-their doubts might not be clarified.

 :4.Health issues: As seeing a screen for a longer amount of time can cause strain in the eye, As there isn’t much movement it becomes difficult to understand as there is no rest for the brain.

5. Mechanical learning: E-learning mostly takes place at the home itself, there’s no room for doing practical things, which can affect applying things.

6.Less productive: Humans need entertainment the average span one person can concentrate on at a time is 50 minutes, the constant break is required to refresh our brains and the best thing to tackle this is Friends- Which makes learning easier.


There is no doubt that E-learning has its pro’s and con’s to it’s difficult to say which is better, it depends upon the person. Constant advancements in technology have changed the way people used to do it before, Mostly it has helped us increase productivity, but in cases like E-learning, it’s difficult to tell. While many teachers had to learn the technology to take classes the way of their teaching changed to an extent. So E-learning has affected both the students and teachers it isn’t the same as before. But at the times like these, Online classes are the only way, as life continues. 



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