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by Sanjay Ram and Muaz Aqdas


A drone, in technological terms, is an unmanned aircraft. Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UASes). In simple words, a Drone is a flying robot that can be controlled by a controller or a joystick.

Initially, UAVs were made to be used by the military,  they were used for anti-aircraft target practice, intelligence gathering, and more controversially, as weapons platforms.

It was tested for daily uses, in a wide range of civilian roles ranging from search and rescue, surveillance, traffic monitoring, weather monitoring and firefighting, personal drones and business drone-based photography, and videography, agriculture, and even delivery services.


Drones were initially used as weapons, Countries like Italy, the US and Israel made drones or UAVs. Like all electronic devices, Drones have also been upgraded for more applications. This can be explained by the number of generations. 

Generation 1: Basic remote control for the movement of drones.

Generation 2: Static design which made drones to be easily controlled. A camera was fixed in it for video recording and still photos, manual piloting control was tested.

Generation 3:  Two-axis gimbals, HD video(720 p), basic safety models, assisted piloting.

Generation 4: Transformative designs, three-axis gimbals, 1080P HD video or higher-value instrumentation, improved safety modes, autopilot modes for defining a path that a drone could move in.

Generation 5: 360° gimbals, 4K video or higher-value instrumentation, intelligent piloting modes with GPS installation.

Generation 6: Commercial suitability, safety and regulatory standards-based design, platform and payload adaptability, automated safety modes, intelligent piloting models and full autonomy, airspace awareness

Generation 7: Auto action (takeoff, land, and mission execution ).


1. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Drones are now being used to capture footage that would otherwise require expensive helicopters and cranes. These autonomous flying devices are used in sports photography for live broadcasts.

2. SHIPPING AND DELIVERY: Major companies like Amazon, UPS, and DHL are in favor of drone delivery. Drones could save a lot of manpower and shift unnecessary road traffic to the sky. Besides, they can be used over smaller distances to deliver small packages like food, letters, and medicines as their deliveries would be faster.

3. GEOGRAPHIC MAPPING: Drones can acquire very high-resolution data and download imagery in difficult-to-reach locations like coastlines, mountaintops, and islands. They are also used to create 3D maps.

4. DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Drones provide quick means, after a natural or man-made disaster, to gather information, navigate to look for injured victims. Its high-definition cameras, sensors, and radars give rescue teams access to a higher field of view, saving the need to spend resources on manned helicopters.  Where larger aerial vehicles would prove perilous or inefficient, drones can provide a close-up view of areas thanks to their small size.

5.SEARCH AND RESCUE: The presence of thermal sensors gives drones night vision and makes them a powerful tool for surveillance. Drones are able to discover the location of lost persons and unfortunate victims, especially in harsh conditions or challenging terrains. A drone can be utilized to lower a walkie-talkie, GPS locator, medicines, food supplies, clothes, and water to stranded victims before rescue crews can move them to someplace else.


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