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By Sanjay Ram


Brain drain is the concept in which a person studies from their country and works for other country for personal benefit. This usually happens in developing countries like India where people get educated in their home land and for professional opportunities they go abroad to seek higher standard of living.


The main reason for a person to work abroad would be money, as in this generation money has become the most important aspect for determining a person. Another main reason might be opportunity as some professions might not be practised in their country. 

Way of living in Western countries might become an influence for people to work there and enjoy a modern life.


Brain drain will definitely have impact on the nation of the individual as a skilled employee will not be able to serve the homeland. Mostly the person working in abroad would have been highly educated, who could have been an asset for their respective country.

Industries and organizations lose a core portion of valuable individual in their country. When a person leaves his country it affects the work force and economy of his origin country.


Brain drain has become a common topic in an Indian household. Mostly parents push their children to study well to get well settled in abroad, they think for the future of their child and family which can’t be said wrong, but it definitely affects the country as we have heard ‘Youngsters are the future of the nation’, But if all of skilled professionals prefer to emigrate to western countries in search of better jobs it becomes a concern for our nation.


Brain Drain is surely a great concern for developing countries like India as most of the skilled individuals are migrating to western countries for ensuring a high standard of living. Parents unknowingly or for the sake of their family keep pushing their child to get employed in foreign countries which affects our nation. Just because their relatives or neighbor’s children have settled in abroad does not mean everyone has to do the same thing.

Solution for this is mainly in Government’s hands as they are the one’s who should ensure employment ,the main reason why people move to abroad is because of salary and job security.Problems like this can only be handled by the government as this resolves solely among them,if they can offer employment and job security then only people will work for their country and development can take place.  


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