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Showing posts from December, 2020


By Sanjay Ram ABOUT Brain drain is the concept in which a person studies from their country and works for other country for personal benefit. This usually happens in developing countries like India where people get educated in their home land and for professional opportunities they go abroad to seek higher standard of living. CAUSES OF BRAIN DRAIN The main reason for a person to work abroad would be money, as in this generation money has become the most important aspect for determining a person. Another main reason might be opportunity as some professions might not be practised in their country.  Way of living in Western countries might become an influence for people to work there and enjoy a modern life. IMPACT OF BRAIN DRAIN Brain drain will definitely have impact on the nation of the individual as a skilled employee will not be able to serve the homeland. Mostly the person working in abroad would have been highly educated, who could have been an asset for their respective country. I